
理工学研究科 王 梓

Mechanistic Study on Hydrogen Related Catalytic Surface Reactions Using Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy

In my research field, I am focusing on soft X ray absorption spectroscopy for studying the surface reaction mechanism. Recently new SXAS technic for measurement of liquid-solid interphase was been tested and needed to be further investigated. In long time, due to the short mean free path of electron in the liquid materials, XAS can be only detected by the fluorescence technic which give the bulk information. New technic for liquid environment XAS measurement can give us solid-liquid interphase surface information, which can help us further understand the liquid phase heterogeneous reaction mechanism. In this future, I want to continue the research on SXAS technics which can be a promising tool to understand unknow chemical reaction mechanism to help other researchers to develop more efficient catalysts.

理工学研究科 相澤 彩美子


キャリア:専門外の分野を勉強し複合領域的な研究を考案することが大きなモチベーションになっているので、今後もそういった挑戦をしていきたい。 また、海外でキャリアを積むことに興味があるため、国際的な経験や人脈作りをしていきたい。

理工学研究科 幺 振鐸



理工学研究科 藤田 晃成



医学研究科 土岐 了大


As an expert in epidemiological research using multi-omics methods, I aim to revolutionize nutritional epidemiology, focusing on individualization and meaningfulness. Leveraging my background as an occupational physician, I intend to apply these advancements to workplace health, emphasizing evidence-based improvements for employee well-being. Dedicated to transforming advanced research into practical workplace solutions, my goal is to seamlessly integrate scientific discoveries with day-to-day occupational health practices, ensuring multi-omics research is effectively utilized at a fundamental level. My ambition is to create a significant impact in both the academic sphere and the industry through persistent research and collaboration.

医学研究科 チョウ ギョウギ

Steroids regulation of centenarian gut isolates

My research is focused on investigating the influence of the gut microbiota on the metabolism of steroids. Hormonal steroids encompass adrenal cortical hormones, sex hormones, and cholesterol and all of them play important roles in the host. By studing the regulation of gut microbiota to steroids we know more about the relationship among gut microbiota, steroids and multi-organ crosslinks.

医学研究科 ジャヤコディ アラッチゲー アユミ ローチャナ

Induction to Convert White Adipose Tissues to Beige Cells Using Diet and Gut Microbiota

I think the research and career prospects for microbiologists are diverse and the field continues to evolve with advancement in technology and our understanding of microorganisms. As I am working with microorganisms beneficial to the human health, I would like to continue to pursue careers in academia, working at the Keio University Honda Laboratory, to conduct research on various aspects of microbiology and contribute to scientific advancements. Another pathway I could take is to work at the Keio University Hospital, to analyze patient samples to identify and treat infections. I would like to contribute to epidemiological studies and public health efforts.

医学研究科 村上 愛恵



医学研究科 増渕 颯


将来は医師として臨床に携わる際に生じてくるClinical questionを研究課題とする臨床研究に従事したい。ベッドサイドにある課題には解明されていないことも多いが、多忙な臨床の中で、患者の危急的事態が過ぎれば見過ごしてしまいがちである。しかしそこには研究のテーマになりうる疑問が眠っていることが少なくない。研究と臨床の両面の角度から、疑問に対して常にリサーチマインドを持って取り組む臨床研究医となることを目標とする。