
理工学研究科 山下 剛志



理工学研究科 張 逸群



理工学研究科 張 子京

Study of large magneto-impedance effect in spintronic devices

My research in emergent magneto-inductance phenomena and its applications in advanced sensing technology represents a significant step toward transformative breakthroughs. We are confident that this research will not only extend the boundaries of knowledge but also drive innovation in industries reliant on magnetic sensors. With the support of the JST-SPRING funding, we aim to make pioneering strides in this critical field, including achieving the optimization of magneto-inductance effect for practical applications through advanced nanofabrication and characterization techniques.

理工学研究科 童 国棟

CRISPR/Cas を用いた増幅不要な核酸超高感度比色測定を可能にする3Dプリンティングバイオセンサーの開発

As a researcher, I desired to contribute to the field of health care through early diagnostics. Hence, I’m committed to developing clinical diagnostic devices for point-of-care testing so far. However, in terms of rare diseases, chronic diseases or new diseases, therapeutic methods appear to be more particularly important. I would like to start my career in Research and Development(R&D) position within pharmaceutical company, with my expertise in analytical techniques, instrumentations and data processing is vital for identifying, ensuring product quality or statistics. In addition, my experience on designing overall experimental plan will be helpful to find opportunities for designing analytical methods, troubleshooting and optimizing processes.This field offers dynamic challenges, professional growth, and the chance to make significant contributions to healthcare through groundbreaking pharmaceutical advancements.

理工学研究科 王 梓

Mechanistic Study on Hydrogen Related Catalytic Surface Reactions Using Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy

In my research field, I am focusing on soft X ray absorption spectroscopy for studying the surface reaction mechanism. Recently new SXAS technic for measurement of liquid-solid interphase was been tested and needed to be further investigated. In long time, due to the short mean free path of electron in the liquid materials, XAS can be only detected by the fluorescence technic which give the bulk information. New technic for liquid environment XAS measurement can give us solid-liquid interphase surface information, which can help us further understand the liquid phase heterogeneous reaction mechanism. In this future, I want to continue the research on SXAS technics which can be a promising tool to understand unknow chemical reaction mechanism to help other researchers to develop more efficient catalysts.

理工学研究科 竹中 智咲


理工学研究科 山下 舞佳


理工学研究科 松井 ゆきの

Bottom-up understanding of gene expression profile using in vitro genome expression system

理工学研究科 枡田 真奈


2023年度,Keio-SPRINGのプロジェクトを活用して,米国のカーネギーメロン大学に1年間Research Associateとして滞在しました.滞在中は現地の学生と共に研究を行い,研究に対する姿勢や,研究の進め方など,日本とは異なる部分が多くあり,非常に有意義な時間を過ごすことができました.今後はこの経験を自身の研究に活かし,さらに後輩にも伝えていきたいと思っています.