
医学研究科 石川 祐希



医学研究科 ジャヤコディ アラッチゲー アユミ ローチャナ

Induction to Convert White Adipose Tissues to Beige Cells Using Diet and Gut Microbiota

I think the research and career prospects for microbiologists are diverse and the field continues to evolve with advancement in technology and our understanding of microorganisms. As I am working with microorganisms beneficial to the human health, I would like to continue to pursue careers in academia, working at the Keio University Honda Laboratory, to conduct research on various aspects of microbiology and contribute to scientific advancements. Another pathway I could take is to work at the Keio University Hospital, to analyze patient samples to identify and treat infections. I would like to contribute to epidemiological studies and public health efforts.

医学研究科 魏 禎傑

Identification of the causal genes for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and clarification of their pathogenesis

My research focuses on identifying the causal genes for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and clarifying their pathogenesis. This involves encapsulating the identification of novel loci, enhancing understanding of genetic architecture, and gaining insights into potential biological mechanisms. As I advance in my career, I aspire to contribute to the development of study for AIS and use my findings to potentially drive innovations in medical genetics.

医学研究科 楊 雅靜

Alteration of collagen in mouse sclera during lens-induced myopia development and recovery

I have been dedicated to myopia research for the past two years because the complications of myopia bring a great burden to people’s quality of life and social economy. With the development of society and the popularization of electronic products, simple myopia seems to be inevitable. However, simple myopia does not suddenly transform into pathological myopia, and there should be a gradual deterioration process during this period, my research is searching for such a state and indicator to gain a deeper understanding and prevent complications of myopia, improve the lifelong quality of life of myopic individuals.
I have been an ophthalmologist for 10 years before, so I have a better understanding of clinical needs. I will promote my research results in the clinic in the future.

医学研究科 八木沼 瑞紀



医学研究科 籏野 佳子

絨毛構造再現を伴った腸管上皮細胞-間質細胞-神経細胞 in vitro 共培養系の新規開発とその応用

再生医療研究において、正常の成体の恒常性への理解は重要であり、オルガノイドは生体由来の幹細胞を用いて自己組織能をもつヘテロな細胞群を作るin vitro系として注目されている。小腸絨毛構造を模した培養系の確立は、従来の薬剤ハイスループット系に比べ、よりin vivoとin vitroのギャップを小さくする。特定の細胞の限られた機能だけでなく、異種細胞が共存することで生体再現度を上昇し、細胞研究の信頼度上昇が期待されている。

医学研究科 中原 俊矢



医学研究科 施 ジユエ

Effect of mast cells on myopia progression

My name is Shi Jue, and I am currently a second-year student of Ph.D. in the photobiology lab, department of Ophthalmology, Keio University. My research focuses on the relationship between immune cells in the choroid and myopia development. Until now, the experiment results have shown that degranulation of immune cells on the choroid releases pro-inflammatory factors, leading to inflammation of the choroid and ultimately cause myopia development. Some immune cell stabilizers or inhibitors enable to inhibit the development of myopia by inhibiting axial length elongation. Because there are a lot of immune cells in the choroid, in the future study, I am going to focus on the choroidal microenvironment and want to summarize the effects of every immune cell on myopia development.

医学研究科 北間 聖名

