
社会学研究科 閻 書普


グローバリゼーションの時代である一方、世界的な対立と紛争が深まっいる。私は在日中国人を起点とし、世界における中国人移民の現状と彼・彼女らのナショナル・アイデンティティを探ってみたい。 博士課程では、ポストコロニアルの視点から在日中国人のナショナル・アイデンティティをあらゆる側面から分析したい。 今後は、精神分析などの学問領域にわたって、さまざまな地域の中国人移民のアイデンティティをさらに探求していきたいと考えている。

経済学研究科 畠山 哲太郎

マッチングマーケットデザイン: 集権的市場と分権的市場の比較


政策・メディア研究科 遠藤 杏



政策・メディア研究科 川島 寛乃


To effectively apply AI technology in the real world, AI models must continuously learn and grow by integrating new information while leveraging past knowledge. My research is Continual Learning and it aims to enable AI models to learn continuously in such environments. Specifically, I focus on the “Replay method”, akin to human note-taking, where a portion of learned data is retained for future learning. I investigate how much data should be retained for effective ongoing learning. Ultimately, I aim to apply this technology for societal benefit, contributing to the overall digitalization of society, including small-scale organizations and communities.

政策・メディア研究科 龍花 慶子



経営管理研究科 久保田 良貴


With over a decade of experience in the workforce, my aspiration is to forge a dual-path career as a researcher and a contributor to executive education. My goal is to apply academic research in practical settings, particularly in business leadership and management training. This approach not only bridges the gap between theory and practice but also enriches the professional development landscape. By integrating insights from my research with real-world business challenges, I aim to foster a culture of continuous, practical learning that benefits professionals at all levels.

システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 ガルシア ホフマン デ カルヴァーリョ ラケル

Safety and Security Properties of the Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem

Safety and Security Concerns of the Urbam Air Mobility. As Urban Air Mobility (UAM) systems take flight, ensuring their safety and security becomes decisive for public acceptance. The research explores critical aspects of UAM SoS, shedding light on safety perspectives, particularly the challenge of Situation Awareness in both urban ground and airspace. Addressing security concerns, encompassing cyber and physical threats, is equally crucial for a safe UAM operation. Moreover, establishing a robust safety culture is explored as an organizational element to facilitate learning in this novel domain. The contribution includes a holistic approach and introduces insights using the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF). Modeling SoS views with UAF proves valuable for system engineers, providing a powerful tool to represent complex operations and fostering applied systems thinking for a safer and secure urban aviation future.

システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 嶋 優見

