
理工学研究科 ハドンヒル ゲイブリエル ウィリアム

Exploring Active Inference for Enhancing Autonomous Robot Performance

My research intersects neuroscience and AI, aiming to develop intelligent, resilient and adaptable robots that operate in dynamic environments. I aspire to help build AI technologies that universally enhance quality of life and support human society. Building on the huge successes of disembodied AI systems, like large language models, my goal is to help drive similar transformative progress in embodied AI and robotics through groundbreaking research. In the future, I hope to work as a research scientist, continuing to solve problems related to intelligent embodied AI systems, grounded in key ideas from cognitive science and neuroscience.

薬学研究科 大野 由紀子


私は、医療文書から病名・症状を抽出できる AI システムの開発を行っている。このシステムを応用することにより、医薬品副作用の早期発見を通じて、薬物療法における患者の負担軽減・QOL 向上を図る副作用モニタリング方法を探索している。将来は医療現場とシステム開発会社の橋渡しの役割を担うことで、医療現場への AI システム導入を推進し、医療従事者の負担軽減、医療の質の向上を実現したい。

薬学研究科 飯野 温



薬学研究科 公平 実希



薬学研究科 福井 一玄



医学研究科 リュウ ヨギョク

CHP2 and NHEs affect infection by the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex disease.

My research is Investigating the role of CHP2 on Mycobacterium avium complex Infection. Verify that CHP2 has a role in MAC infection and can be used as a clinical gene target therapy. Patients can receive medications that target CHP2 like the HER2 gene in breast cancer.

医学研究科 土岐 了大


As an expert in epidemiological research using multi-omics methods, I aim to revolutionize nutritional epidemiology, focusing on individualization and meaningfulness. Leveraging my background as an occupational physician, I intend to apply these advancements to workplace health, emphasizing evidence-based improvements for employee well-being. Dedicated to transforming advanced research into practical workplace solutions, my goal is to seamlessly integrate scientific discoveries with day-to-day occupational health practices, ensuring multi-omics research is effectively utilized at a fundamental level. My ambition is to create a significant impact in both the academic sphere and the industry through persistent research and collaboration.

医学研究科 張 ムテイ


After working as a clinical anesthesist and an attending physician in Shanghai, China for 7 years, I finally have the chance to come to Japan and begin my PhD. program, which is my dream for all the time. Then, I paid my full passion and execution to explore the attractive research world. As a researcher, it is important to pursue the expansion of knowledge and insights in my own research area, as well as contribute to academia through new discoveries and the development of technology. Applying one’s own research outcomes and insights to society and positively impacting real-world problems and social issues is every researcher’s expection. And in the future far away, I may aim to focus on how my research contributes to medical and societal changes.

医学研究科 張 博

RNA-Seq Analysis of different stages (zygote to blastocyst) of hamster preimplantation embryonic development

Evolutionary divergent ERVs insertion shapes host transcriptome during preimplantation development.RNA-seq analysis showed that ZGA in hamster occurs at the two-cell stage, similar to that in mice. Furthermore, interspecies comparisons of human, hamster, and mouse early embryonic transcriptomes revealed that ZGA genes and their expression dynamics are highly species-specific. Furthermore, evolutionarily young hamster-specific ERV1 and ERVK factors are enriched near the hamster ZGA locus, and these ERVs provide species specificity, suggesting that this may drive ZGA and control the expression of endogenous genes.