採択者紹介Selected person Introduction
理工学研究科 志方 鴻介
薬学研究科 福井 一玄
薬学研究科 髙橋 菜々子
医学研究科 森? 大順
私の所属研究室ではヒトiPS細胞から作製した高純度の心筋細胞から構成される心筋球を心臓内に移植することで, 難治性重症心不全患者を治療することを目指しています。そしてこの治療法の実現化のために, 私は高均質な心筋球を大量かつ高効率に作製するための手法を開発しています。博士課程を修了した後も, これまでの研究で培ってきた技術や経験を生かせるような環境で研究を続けていきたいと考えています。
医学研究科 土岐 了大
As an expert in epidemiological research using multi-omics methods, I aim to revolutionize nutritional epidemiology, focusing on individualization and meaningfulness. Leveraging my background as an occupational physician, I intend to apply these advancements to workplace health, emphasizing evidence-based improvements for employee well-being. Dedicated to transforming advanced research into practical workplace solutions, my goal is to seamlessly integrate scientific discoveries with day-to-day occupational health practices, ensuring multi-omics research is effectively utilized at a fundamental level. My ambition is to create a significant impact in both the academic sphere and the industry through persistent research and collaboration.
医学研究科 呉 丹
Effect of lifestyle habits on the change of fatty liver index
My research focuses on the relationship between the fatty liver index (FLI) and the development of cardiovascular disease. However, the goal is not only to understand the relationship between the FLI and cardiovascular disease, but more importantly how to use the FLI to screen people simply and effectively at high risk and provide early intervention in a timely manner. I hope that the FLI will be able to be applied in large-scale health check-ups or screenings and that it will be able to screen people who are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in the future.