
経済学研究科 上西 雄太



文学研究科 細谷 諒太


コミュニケーションでアドホックに生じる新奇表現に興味を持ち研究しています。特に日英語の句複合語という表現(e.g. the “I’m about to drop some disappointing news on you” face)を収集し、その産出メカニズムや対人効果を分析しています。逸脱的表現の使用を許容し動機づける人間の言語知識の解明と、それをモデル化できる言語理論の構築を目指しています。将来は大学等の機関で言語関連の研究を続けたいと思っています。

文学研究科 寒河江 陽

20世紀初頭のドイツにおける女性概念 ベンヤミンとジンメルの思想史研究を手がかりに


文学研究科 高萩 智也



政策・メディア研究科 温 雅芳

Exploring social resilience for urban flood disasters in China

My research directions are urban disaster risk reduction, social resilience, and community resilience. The research focuses on the combination of the humanities and natural sciences, and the integration of different research fields such as disaster education and economics, which contributes to improving the social resilience to urban disasters in Japan. For my career prospects, I hope to work in the disaster research institute in Japan or non-governmental organization such as the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

政策・メディア研究科 近藤 はるか



政策・メディア研究科 プーデル ナミータ


My research explores innovative solutions in the food and water system, linking urban and rural areas from a disaster resilience perspective. Delving into disaster resilience through a robust food and water system, my findings aim to contribute significantly to all developing countries and cities. Looking ahead, my career prospects center around the food and water sector, driven by a passion for enhancing sustainability and disaster preparedness. With a solid foundation in research, analytical skills, and a commitment to resilience, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to the advancement of disaster-resilient food and water systems.

政策・メディア研究科 川島 寛乃


To effectively apply AI technology in the real world, AI models must continuously learn and grow by integrating new information while leveraging past knowledge. My research is Continual Learning and it aims to enable AI models to learn continuously in such environments. Specifically, I focus on the “Replay method”, akin to human note-taking, where a portion of learned data is retained for future learning. I investigate how much data should be retained for effective ongoing learning. Ultimately, I aim to apply this technology for societal benefit, contributing to the overall digitalization of society, including small-scale organizations and communities.