採択者紹介Selected person Introduction
文学研究科 東中 巴奈
文学研究科 関根 博子
文学研究科 細谷 諒太
文学研究科 中嶋 康太
文学研究科 寒河江 陽
文学研究科 松本 蒼来
My research delves into the nexus of German language use and gender issues, with a special emphasis on the linguistic practices among diverse gender identities. In a time where diversity and inclusion are paramount, the usage of language are scrutinized closely. My work aims to visualize and bring to the forefront the often marginalized and overlooked language issues of minorities during. This effort not only aims to anchor such discussions in modern discourse but also to prevent these critical issues from being historically overlooked. Looking ahead, I aspire to perpetuate the documentation of minority language issues throughout my academic career.