The research on “Adoption of Agritech – case of Tamil Nadu, India” is on the lines below: Indian Agriculture faces multi-faceted problems such as monsoon failure, the surge in input costs, high debt burdens, lack of direct integration with the market, the government’s urban consumer-driven economic policies, etc. Agricultural information is central to farmers’ decision-making, from sowing to harvesting and selling. Agricultural information dissemination is the process of delivering research-based information to farmers. Inefficient information dissemination or low access to agricultural information may decrease agricultural productivity, affecting farmers’ income. The research aims to facilitate efficient agricultural dissemination leveraging ICT in Tamil Nadu.
採択者紹介Selected person Introduction
政策・メディア研究科 伊藤 創司
政策・メディア研究科 千葉 楽斗
政策・メディア研究科 佐田 静香
薬学研究科 大島 光葵
メディアデザイン研究科 マチエイラ マルセロ
メディアデザイン研究科 戸田 元大
メディアデザイン研究科 孟 夏如
Externalizing Affect- Designing affect oriented physiological data visualization for virtual reality
My research focuses on recreating the social atmosphere of being in an audience by monitoring and visualizing physiological signals. I develop a system to visualize audience members’ physiological states, aiming at a transformative perception from individual to collective experience. This unique approach to non-verbal communication in performance settings seeks to enhance audio-visual perception through physiological sensing and emotional experience sharing. I will explore the application of physiological synchrony in eliciting emotional resonance in remote replication scenarios.