
薬学研究科 内山 純


薬学研究科 池上 慶祐



医学研究科 長谷川 紘之


医学研究科 ゴ アギョウ

SUMOylation-mediated silencing of transposable elements in Drosophila ovary.

医学研究科 加藤 悠人


医学研究科 森𦚰 大順


私の所属研究室ではヒトiPS細胞から作製した高純度の心筋細胞から構成される心筋球を心臓内に移植することで, 難治性重症心不全患者を治療することを目指しています。そしてこの治療法の実現化のために, 私は高均質な心筋球を大量かつ高効率に作製するための手法を開発しています。博士課程を修了した後も, これまでの研究で培ってきた技術や経験を生かせるような環境で研究を続けていきたいと考えています。

医学研究科 張 博

RNA-Seq Analysis of different stages (zygote to blastocyst) of hamster preimplantation embryonic development

Evolutionary divergent ERVs insertion shapes host transcriptome during preimplantation development.RNA-seq analysis showed that ZGA in hamster occurs at the two-cell stage, similar to that in mice. Furthermore, interspecies comparisons of human, hamster, and mouse early embryonic transcriptomes revealed that ZGA genes and their expression dynamics are highly species-specific. Furthermore, evolutionarily young hamster-specific ERV1 and ERVK factors are enriched near the hamster ZGA locus, and these ERVs provide species specificity, suggesting that this may drive ZGA and control the expression of endogenous genes.

医学研究科 古志 飛



医学研究科 楊 雅靜

Alteration of collagen in mouse sclera during lens-induced myopia development and recovery

I have been dedicated to myopia research for the past two years because the complications of myopia bring a great burden to people’s quality of life and social economy. With the development of society and the popularization of electronic products, simple myopia seems to be inevitable. However, simple myopia does not suddenly transform into pathological myopia, and there should be a gradual deterioration process during this period, my research is searching for such a state and indicator to gain a deeper understanding and prevent complications of myopia, improve the lifelong quality of life of myopic individuals.
I have been an ophthalmologist for 10 years before, so I have a better understanding of clinical needs. I will promote my research results in the clinic in the future.