将来は、薬剤師の立場で、実臨床で起きた課題に対し研究を通して解決に導き、臨床現場に還元できる Pharmacist-scientistを目指している。卒業後は大学病院に就職し、臨床現場の課題を研究により解決できるスキルを身に付けたい。将来は大学教員として教育の現場に戻り、臨床現場の経験を基にして、実臨床で求められる医薬品開発、新規薬物療法のエビデンス構築を学生と共に行い、医学・薬学教育に貢献したい。

採択者紹介Selected person Introduction
薬学研究科 髙橋 菜々子
薬学研究科 櫻井 拓也
医学研究科 藤本 真央
医学研究科 伊津野 舞佳
医学研究科 張 ムテイ
After working as a clinical anesthesist and an attending physician in Shanghai, China for 7 years, I finally have the chance to come to Japan and begin my PhD. program, which is my dream for all the time. Then, I paid my full passion and execution to explore the attractive research world. As a researcher, it is important to pursue the expansion of knowledge and insights in my own research area, as well as contribute to academia through new discoveries and the development of technology. Applying one’s own research outcomes and insights to society and positively impacting real-world problems and social issues is every researcher’s expection. And in the future far away, I may aim to focus on how my research contributes to medical and societal changes.