This research focuses on developing a highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor with boron-doped diamond electrodes for early detection of Alzheimer’s biomarkers, aiming to provide a non-invasive and cost-effective alternative to traditional diagnostic methods. By advancing early diagnosis, this work has the potential to significantly improve treatment outcomes and address healthcare challenges posed by an aging population, enhancing my career prospects in biomedical innovation.
採択者紹介Selected person Introduction
理工学研究科 松崎 光
医学研究科 李 墨然
Study of OFF-pathway restoration for advanced visual restoration
I am looking forward to being an excellent researcher in this four years,including publishing some ectraodinary publications which is applicable for the society and clinical work.In my research, I hope to solve the problems caused by genetic diseases that affect vision, and solve these problems at the genetic level through gene editing, modification and other technologies.
法学研究科 濵野 倫太郎
経済学研究科 増田 夏樹
理工学研究科 茅島 秀人
私の研究テーマは、「誘導結合無線通信インタフェースの3次元チップ積層システムへの応用」である。現在、情報通信機器に対する需要はさらに広がっているが、半導体が不足し、製造コストも増大しているため、需要に供給が追い付いていない状態が続いている。こういった課題を解決するため、必要なICチップのみを組み合わせるSiP(System in Package)技術が注目を集めている。組み合わされたチップの間での通信技術の一つとして、コイル間の電磁誘導を利用した通信技術であるTCI(Through Chip Interface)が研究されている。私の研究は、このTCIをICチップに実装する際の電力面および周波数面の課題を発見、解析し、解決手法を導き出すためのものである。
理工学研究科 張 逸群
理工学研究科 童 国棟
CRISPR/Cas を用いた増幅不要な核酸超高感度比色測定を可能にする3Dプリンティングバイオセンサーの開発
As a researcher, I desired to contribute to the field of health care through early diagnostics. Hence, I’m committed to developing clinical diagnostic devices for point-of-care testing so far. However, in terms of rare diseases, chronic diseases or new diseases, therapeutic methods appear to be more particularly important. I would like to start my career in Research and Development(R&D) position within pharmaceutical company, with my expertise in analytical techniques, instrumentations and data processing is vital for identifying, ensuring product quality or statistics. In addition, my experience on designing overall experimental plan will be helpful to find opportunities for designing analytical methods, troubleshooting and optimizing processes.This field offers dynamic challenges, professional growth, and the chance to make significant contributions to healthcare through groundbreaking pharmaceutical advancements.